Candidates: Widen your job search with transferrable skills

Posted on 16 July 2023

In January 2022 the British government announced a plan to get 500,000 more jobseekers into work. This is to help resolve the record number of unfilled job vacancies in the UK as we emerge from the COVID-19 pandemic.

The policy will focus on getting job seekers who are currently receiving Universal Credit into work. The government estimates that people in full-time work are £6,000 better off than if they were on benefits.

So, what is changing?

Those receiving Universal Credit will now be expected to widen their search for work from the fourth week of their claim, rather than the three months previously available.

The result will undoubtedly be that many jobseekers will now look to consider work that they have not previously had experience of. Many job seekers will need to look at their transferrable skills to ensure they are able to widen their job search effectively.

For more information -New jobs mission to get 500,000 into work - GOV.UK (

What are transferrable skills?

Transferrable skills are those qualities you possess that would be useful across many job roles and industries. They are not usually derived from any particular qualification but are picked up from your previous work or life experience. Many skills you have acquired from previous jobs, which may not seem obviously relevant, may be transferrable to your next opportunity. It is worth having a think about the experience you have built up and the skills you have acquired, and how they could be used across industries.

When looking to move into a new field, these skills will be key in proving your quality to an employer.

Top Transferrable Skills

We have already established that having transferrable skills is going to be important in the current labour market. It is equally important for you to know what yours are and for a potential employer to identify them.

Indeed, one of the leading job boards, suggests the following are the top transferrable skills to enhance your employability:  

  1. Communication

  2. Dependability

  3. Organisation

  4. Problem-solving

  5. Teamwork

  6. Decision making

  7. Conflict resolution

  8. Leadership

  9. Attention to detail

  10. Adaptability

For more information on these skills, visit Indeed’s career advice article on this topic -11 Top Job Skills: Transferable Skills for Any Industry | UK

If you are looking for a new opportunity speak to one of our consultants now, start your job search or create your own account for job alerts, and to let us know what you are looking for.

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